Study and analysis of social capital dimensions on the performance of employees of the Social Security Organization (Case study: Employees of East branches of Social Security)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Alameh Tabatabaei University, Iran

2 Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Iran


Today, social capital is a multidimensional concept. Research on this concept will be complete and "representative" if it deals with the various dimensions of capital asset and the relationship between its dimensions. By studying different texts, two structural and cognitive dimensions can be considered for social capital. The structural dimension of social capital, including flexible rules and communication networks, and the cognitive dimension refer to the trust and group cooperation of members within an organization. In this study, the dimensions of social capital are considered as an independent variable and the performance of human resources as a dependent variable. The statistical population of this study consists of all employees of the eastern branches of the Social Security Organization. The research method is descriptive-survey and the method of data collection is field-library. The results show that the social capital dimensions (structural dimension, cognitive dimension and relational dimension) on the performance of human resources in the eastern branches of Tehran Social Security Organization has a positive effect.


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